Together, SEIU 775 home care workers fought for and won free PPE for caregivers.

Agency Providers (APs) should request PPE through their agencies.

IPs can order one PPE kit per month, per client, through Workday in CDWA’s DirectMyCare portal.  

We encourage caregivers to use either surgical masks or N95 masks when providing direct care to your client. N95 masks are only effective when they are fit-tested, so you are strongly encouraged to do fit-testing.

Learn more about what type of mask to wear and when to wear it from the Benefits Group, but in general, caregivers are strongly encouraged to wear either a surgical mask and a face shield, or an N95 mask, when providing direct personal care to our clients.

If you are caring for someone who is sick with COVID-19, please read the Washington Department of Health’s Home Health/Home Care Guidance.

Free gloves for caregivers are available to some IPs through their clients’ health benefit. Please visit the SEIU 775 Benefits Group webpage for instructions.

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