One of our Union’s goals is to Fight for Justice for All
There is no justice until there is justice for all. The majority of caregivers are women, and predominately Black women, Indigenous women, women of color and Immigrant women. Because of who we are, and who we care for, time and again care work has been left out of laws that protect other healthcare workers. The legacies of racism and sexism mean we constantly have to fight for the world that we, and those we care for, deserve.
To achieve our vision of Justice for All, we must fight for equity – fight against injustice in all forms, create communities where we are valued and included for our diversity, and center those with the least access to power in all of our work.
Know Your Rights
No matter your immigration status, you are protected by the U.S. Constitution. Knowing your rights can keep you and your family safe.
- DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR If an immigration agent comes to your door, stay calm and do not open the door. Ask them to slide any documents under the door or show them through a window.
- DO NOT LET THEM IN WITHOUT A WARRANT Immigration agents cannot enter your home without a warrant signed by a judge.
- PULL OVER SAFELY AND STAY CALM If stopped while driving, pull over as soon as it is safe to do so. Stay calm and cooperative.
- PROVIDE DOCUMENTS WHEN ASKED Show your driver’s license, car registration, and proof of insurance if requested. You still have the right to remain silent about everything else.
- REMAIN SILENT Don’t answer questions. You have the right to remain silent (5th Amendment). Simply say “I will be exercising my 5th Amendment right to remain silent.”
- YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNEY Do not sign anything or answer any question until you have spoken to an attorney. ICE can use everything you say against you.
- KEEP IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS ACCESSIBLE Make copies of your immigration paperwork and identification, and store them securely (DACA, Work Permit, Visa, Green Card).
- DO NOT LIE OR PROVIDE FALSE DOCUMENTS Stay truthful and do not hand over fake IDs or documents. It’s a crime to provide false documents.
Links to trusted resources
- iAmerica: iAmerica is the national immigrant justice campaign platform of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). We’re empowering dreams and igniting change by advocating for the rights of all American families. Information is available in 21 languages. Know Your Rights – iAmerica
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU): We Have Rights Video series available in English, Spanish, Urdu, Arabic, Haitian Creole, Russian and Mandrain We Have Rights | American Civil Liberties Union
- Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP): Northwest Immigrant Rights Project promotes justice by defending and advancing the rights of immigrants through direct legal services, systemic advocacy, and community education. Know Your Rights |
- OneAmerica: Builds leadership and organizes grassroots leaders and allies in key areas in Washington State to push for policy change, mobilize civic engagement in communities and advocate for systems that welcome and include immigrants at every level. Home | OneAmerica
- Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network (WAISN): WAISN is the largest immigrant-led coalition in Washington with over 400 organizations including immigrant and refugee organizations, labor unions, faith groups, grassroots organizations. Information available in English, Spanish, French, Lingala, Portuguese, and Somali. Know Your Rights with ICE Flyer – WAISN
- The Immigrant Defense Project (IDP): IDP was founded over 20 years ago to combat an emerging human rights crisis: the targeting of immigrants for mass imprisonment and deportation. Know Your Rights with ICE – Immigrant Defense Project
Safety Plans and Emergency Family Preparedness
- iAmerica: Make a Family Safety Plan – iAmerica
- CLINIC: Contains select national and state-by-state resources to guide immigrants, legal service providers, and advocates as they assist families at risk of detention or deportation in planning to protect their families and property Emergency Preparedness for Immigrant Families: A 50 State Resource | Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC)