Four people standing in a group

“With chants of ‘We are the heart of Sacred Heart,’ the Providence hospital strike launched Monday afternoon.

Jubilant picketers lined up outside of Sacred Heart around 2 p.m. – some coming directly off their shift to grab a sign and put their yellow United Food and Commercial Workers International Union 3000 shirts over their hospital scrubs or uniform.

About 250 picketers split into marching in circles. Frequent honks of support came from cars driving past on busy McClellan Avenue, including from several Spokane firetrucks.

Sunshine Lopez is a home caregiver and part of another union. But she came picketing to show support for the striking health care workers.

‘We bring our clients here, and these people have to take care of our clients, and if they’re not getting the best pay, then they’re not going to be able to care for our clients,’ Lopez said.”

Read the full article from The Spokesman-Review.

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