SEIU 775 | May 10, 2022

Big wins this year: May 2022 Newsletter

Union Sisters, Brothers, Siblings, Caregivers came together and raised our voices in a BIG way in Olympia this year. Because of the thousands of contacts between caregivers and legislators, we’ve won on many of our big priorities! Last year, we kicked off our Time for $20 campaign. And now we’ve won funding to extend our […]
Caregivers are essential. It's time for $20 an hour!

SEIU 775 | March 16, 2022

2022 Legislative Session Wins

Because of caregivers coming together and raising our voices through thousands of actions – sending emails, making calls, testifying, talking to lawmakers at a Purple Presence, and more – most legislators chose to stand by caregivers this legislative session, and we have so much to celebrate! Here’s everything we fought for – and won – […]

Walla Walla Union-Bulletin | January 31, 2022

Letter to the editor: WA Cares Program Should Be Improved

“I’m a long-term care worker in College Place and have cared for multiple clients over the last 18 years. I agree the WA Cares program should be improved by making it possible for folks who live out-of-state to exempt themselves and by allowing people who are near retirement to qualify for partial benefits. About 70% […]
Caregivers are essential. It's time for $20 an hour!

SEIU 775 2022 Materials

The 3-Minute Lobbyist English: 3-Minute Lobbyist Korean: 3분 로비스트 Russian: Лоббист на 3 минуты Simplified Chinese: 3 分钟说客 Spanish: Cabildeo en 3 minutos Vietnamese: Người vận động hành lang trong 3 phút Intro to the Washington State Legislature English: Intro to the Washington State Legislature Korean: 워싱턴 주의회 소개 Russian: Общие сведения о законодательном собрании штата вашингтон Simplified Chinese: 华盛顿州立法机构简介 Spanish: Introducción a la […]

SEIU 775 | January 3, 2022

Stronger Together: December 2021 Newsletter

Dear SEIU 775 Caregivers, We have so much right in front of us as we launch our Time for $20 campaign! But to succeed we can’t just look at what is right in front of us, we also have to build a vision for the future. So I’m putting together a committee of members to […]

Chương Trình Lập Pháp Năm 2022

Các mối ưu tiên của chúng ta trong năm 2022 Chăm sóc dài hạn Đã đến lúc phải trả mức lương $20 Bảo vệ và cải thiện chương trình WA Care Tăng Trợ Cấp Cho Nhu Cầu Cá Nhân dành cho thân chủ nhận Medicaid tại nhà Công bằng chủng tộc và kinh tế Bảo […]

2022년도 입법 의제

2022년도 우선 순위 장기 간병 Time for $20($20 시급) WA Cares 보호 및 개선 재택 Medicaid 클라이언트를 위한 개인 필요 수당 증가 인종 및 경제 정의 이민자를 위한 실업 보험 이민자를 위한 의료 서비스 확대 저렴한 주거비 및 세입자 권리 공공 안전, 경찰 책임성 및 구금 감소 워싱턴주에서 치위생사를 허용함으로써 치과 치료에 대한 접근성 근로 […]

2022 年立法议程

2022 年优先事项 长期护理 种族和经济正义 SEIU 775 主席 Sterling Harders 寄语 长期护理 向长期护理工作者至少支付 20 美元的时薪 Time for $20(争取 20 美元最低时薪)是我们发起的一项运动,旨在为华盛顿州的长期护理人员赢得每小时 20 美元或更多的固定工资,包括家庭护理、Nursing home(疗养院)和养老院护理人员。 在疫情期间,医疗保健、食品服务等领域的必要行业工作者工作在第一线,但许多人的工资依然无法维持生计。这场疫情并没有造成长期护理的危机,而是揭示了现实情况:没有足够的护理人员,没有足够的设备,没有足够的资金。 如果不对一线工作人员进行投资,那么随着人口持续老龄化和对护理人员需求的增长,华盛顿州将面临日益严重的劳动力短缺问题。 将长期工资提高至每小时至少 20 美元,将使护理人员能够养活自己和家人,并招募到更多我们需要的训练有素的员工。 必要行业工作者理应获得足够生活所需的薪资。点击此处,详细了解 Time for $20(争取 20 美元最低时薪)。 保护并改善 WA Cares,华盛顿州新的公共长期护理福利 无论是人们为了照顾亲人而放弃高薪工作,还是为了获得 Medicaid 护理资格而花掉毕生积蓄,事实是,当需要长期护理时,我们大多数人都完全没有准备好。Medicare不涵盖长期服务和支持,而大约 70% 的人在他们的生命接近尾声时需要这些服务和支持。 WA Cares 对于解决华盛顿州日益逼近的老年化浪潮及其给长期护理系统带来的压力至关重要。半个百分点的小额工资扣缴是值得的,因为您可以在需要时获得高质量的长期护理。 立法者需要通过以下措施来改善 WA Cares 计划: 增加对于居家 Medicaid 的 Personal Needs Allowance(个人需求津贴) Personal […]
Caregivers are essential. It's time for $20 an hour!

Законодательная повестка 2022 года

Наши приоритеты в 2022 году Долгосрочная помощь Экономическая и расовая справедливость Обращение президента SEIU 775 Sterling Harders Долгосрочная помощь Почасовая ставка для работников долгосрочной помощи — не менее $20. Time for $20 (Время платить $20) — это кампания по борьбе за долговременную почасовую ставку в размере $20 или более для всех работников долгосрочной помощи штата […]
Caregivers are essential. It's time for $20 an hour!

Agenda legislativa para el 2022

Nuestras prioridades para el 2022 Atención a largo plazo Time for $20 Proteger y mejorar WA Cares Aumentar el subsidio de necesidades personales para los clientes de Medicaid que reciban atención domiciliaria Justicia racial y económica Seguro por desempleo para inmigrantes Ampliar los servicios de salud para inmigrantes Vivienda asequible y derechos de los inquilinos […]