This newsletter is also available in:
Korean: 함께 더욱 강하게 SEIU 775 뉴스레터 겨울호
Russian: Наша сила — в единстве! Зимняя новостная рассылка от SEIU 775
Simplified Chinese: 团结使我们更强大:SEIU 775 冬季内部通讯
Spanish: Juntos somos más fuertes: El boletín informativo de invierno de SEIU 775
Vietnamese: Cùng Nhau Lớn Mạnh: Bản Tin Mùa Đông Của SEIU 775
Hello SEIU 775 Caregivers,
Happy New Year! First, I want to reflect on and recognize some of the amazing work caregivers have done to improve our lives, our families’ lives, and our clients’ lives in 2024.
- Rate Setting Board: Thanks to great work by the Rate Setting Board team, dozens of caregivers who shared their stories, and thousands more who signed the petition and sent letters or made calls to the Governor’s office, the Rate Setting Board unanimously recommended a solid increase in the home care rate and funding for caregiver wages and benefits for the 2025-2027 contract period.
- Nursing Home contracts: Workers won $2-$3 increases in nursing home contracts, and many CNAs are starting at $24 per hour.
- Membership: Over the past two years, we’ve added about 10,000 members – our membership now stands at 55,000 members!
- Montana: Caregivers at Consumer Direct Montana finished their first contract with wage increases of $5 per hour, a wage scale, PTO, and five holidays!
- Alaska: Caregivers in Alaska bargained the first-ever home care contracts in Alaska, with paid time off for the first time, a wage scale, and more than $3/hour average wage increases.
- Elections: We elected the candidates we endorsed for Washington State – including a new Governor and Attorney General – and we know those positions are going to be incredibly important over the next four years. We also successfully defended WA Cares and defeated most of the anti-worker, anti-climate statewide initiatives on the ballot, which would have impacted funding for childcare and transportation.
We are heading into a tough year, with a big budget deficit in Washington State and with anti-worker politicians in DC threatening cuts to Medicaid to fund taxes for billionaires. But we are SEIU 775 and we never back down. In 2025, we will organize new members, bargain good contracts, develop phenomenal leaders, and keep working to elect pro-caregiver politicians. We are going to keep winning for our members in Washington, Montana, and Alaska – because when we fight, we win.
In Solidarity,
Sterling Harders
SEIU 775 President

WA Cares is Here to Stay!
Goal: Win Universal Access to Quality Health and Long-Term Care
Knowing that we successfully defended WA Cares this election made me really happy because we worked hard – putting in countless hours of phone banking and canvassing.
I was on the Member Political Organizing team this year, and I got to speak with many caregivers over the phone and out canvassing. I was excited to share why WA Cares is so important! Because we never know what’s going to happen tomorrow. For example, if I get hurt and need accommodation, I know I cannot pay out of pocket – it’s too expensive. With WA Cares, it’s a comfort knowing it would help me to get whatever I would need to care for myself – a ramp, wheelchair, walker, etc.
And it’s the same for our clients. I used to care for a lady who was no longer able to walk up the stairs, so she needed a ramp, but it cost $10,000.
That is a lot of money. Most of us caregivers don’t have $10,000 in our bank accounts to cover a ramp or any other accommodations if we need them. Once WA Cares is fully in place, it will cover bills like that. This is a life-changing program.
It was so rewarding talking to people, especially those who didn’t know much about WA Cares. I know I changed people’s minds about how they were voting. I’m proud of the work that I and many other caregivers did this election to ensure we’ll be taken care of if we ever need help.
– Imelda S. (she/her), IP and AP, Tri Cities, WA

Major Victory in Alaska!
Goal: Build Power for Caregivers and All Workers
We’ve ratified our first union contracts in Alaska! I was on the bargaining team for Consumer Direct Alaska, and I’m proud to have had a role in getting us nearly a 20% increase from what we’re getting paid now.
But this didn’t come without challenges. Sitting across from our agency that didn’t always want to pay attention to our needs was taxing. But you know what kept me going? Keeping my eyes on the prize and knowing that the work we were doing was going to help us get more of the pie that we work for every day!
Even though we were victorious, I’m still being very realistic because I know this is just the beginning, and there’s a lot of work to be done.
Something I learned from being on the bargaining team is we need better laws so we can set an industry standard for caregivers because right now, there is no industry standard for caregivers in Alaska. That’s why we don’t have the training that caregivers in Washington have. Which makes it difficult for clients because then they don’t know what to expect from each of us, since we all have different training experiences.
Caregivers – we are all in this together. We’re all trying to achieve the same goals, regardless of what agency or employer you work for. And one day, I hope that all caregivers can be a part of our Union!
– Rebecca R. (she/her/they/them), In-Home Caregiver, Palmer, AK

Showing Up United
Goal: Make Caregiving a Good Career
I’m excited about the outcome from the Washington State Rate Setting Board since we are on track to winning higher wages and benefits for caregivers! But we have to make some noise in Olympia over the next few months to get the legislature to fully fund the 2025-2027 home care rate.
When’s the last time you had trouble paying a bill or wondering if you’ll have enough money for groceries? For me, it’s constant. Inflation is only getting worse, and it feels like things are getting more expensive each day.
The Rate Setting Board rate – which we need to get funded by the legislature – means higher wages, improved health coverage, more paid holidays, better mileage reimbursement, and more. I know these things would make a huge difference in my life and my family’s lives, so I am joining the fight this legislative session for a better life for caregivers, our clients, and our families.
We matter. We’re making a difference in people’s lives. And now, we have the opportunity to make a difference in ours.
So join me in Olympia! Caregivers in Montana and Alaska – join our Union siblings in Helena and Juneau! We need as many caregivers to come out as possible! The more of us who make our voices heard, the stronger our presence is. It shows that we’re united and support each other. It shows how much we care about our jobs. And we need to show legislators that we won’t give up until we get what we deserve!
– Virginia A. (she/her), IP, Lake Stevens, WA
Washington caregivers are ready to fight this Legislative Session for increased wages of over $23/hour, healthcare that caregivers can depend on – even if they temporarily drop below 80 hours for the month – increased employer contribution to retirement benefits, and more. Help caregivers win these improved benefits by getting involved – go to our website for more information:

Winning Climate Preparedness Training
Goal: Fight for Justice for All
I’m really passionate about climate change and helping our planet because I’ve seen firsthand the impact of our climate getting worse over the years. I live in Port Angeles, where during wildfire season, we get smoke from all over – Eastern WA, Canada, and even California! I know some caregivers up here who can’t go out and take care of clients when the smoke is so bad because of their own health issues. And some of us care for clients who get hit harder by the smoke.
My client has breathing issues and is half-blind, so she is sensitive to the smoke, and her visibility gets really bad. A few years ago, I was driving her to an appointment, and when we were halfway there, she was so affected by the smoke that we had to turn around.
So in 2024, Washington State caregivers fought for climate readiness training. And I shared my experiences because things are just going to get worse for us and our clients unless we take action now. And we won! So this summer, in 2025, we will be able to take climate readiness training through the SEIU 775 Benefits Group! It’ll help us learn what we can do to keep our clients happy and healthy. Every client gets affected by the weather differently, so it’s important to have resources to know the best thing to do to take care of them in each situation.
– Debbie G. (she/her), Family Provider, Port Angeles, WA